Sonntag, 9. November 2014

Ruffle Top Special!


here we have a new ruffle top for you. Coming with hud ( 6 textures) in size xs-xl.
Demo is available. Be someone special and happy shopping ♥

>>> Taxi <<<

Samstag, 8. November 2014

Blogger Search!

Lovely bloggers,

here the rules:
1. You must have the logo + URL to store in your sponsor list
2. You must post our items directly (max. 14 days after release), if you dont do this you will get a strike! 3 strikes = leaving the group!!!
3. Your post must arrived us. BEST way please use our flickr group, if you dont have flickr send me a NC with the link of the post or tag Debbie Dotterkelch on facebook.
4. No vendor pics only in your post.
5. Have always fun and love your work!!!

xoxo Gitchee Resident ♥ ( if you wonder I am often offline you can find me on my mainaccount Debbie Dotterkelch :D )
If you accept these rules, feel free to write a NC with all your important infos and send it to my shopava Gitchee Resident.

xoxo Dottie

Hope to hearing from you soon! Deadline is 16th of november.

Freitag, 7. November 2014

Cuff Me Necklace!


today I have a sexy handcuff necklace for you, of course with HUD and resizer. You can change between 10 different metals. Happy shopping ♥

xoxo Dottie

>>> Taxi <<<

Dienstag, 4. November 2014

-Dotties- Legwarmer Jess [Slink High Feet]


today I have some comfy legwarmers for you. Only for Slink High Feet. Have made them in 4 different packs. First  3 packs with different knit textures and last pack is a white knit texture as ground with colour change Hud, so you have endless colour options for every winter outift a must have. The legwarmers are compatible with most of your Slink High Feet Heels. Please try a demo.
Happy shopping ♥

P.S.: NEW products will have a NEW DEMO VERSION, from now you become the full product + HUD as a 5 minutes demo. Please notice after five minutes of use the demo item(s) will detach and the texture will change as default wood texture. You cant wear it again and you cant rezz the item(s).

>>> Taxi <<<